
Love is Undefeated

By Jim Morris

As I crossed the finish line of today’s California International Marathon, a wave of emotion hit me.

It was gratifying to complete a journey that included more than four months of training, through heat, rain and an aching body.

A greater emotion was the opportunity to see the good our world can do. Sponsorships came in from many people and organizations, helping raise enough funds to provide about 1500 meals for the homeless who are receiving food, care and a chance at a new life at the Union Gospel Mission, Sacramento.

It was also my chance to show love for the Fujii and Tibbitts families, who have been very courageous through their loss of family members this year.

The news cycle has been fast and furious in recent years, with stories of loss, despair, hatred and fear. But there is something that rises above all – love.

The homeless population has grown dramatically in our area. Answers are elusive. But, just like today’s marathon, positive results come when kind people show their compassion.

To those who supported the Union Gospel Mission, thank you.
Perhaps the greatest present of this season can be achieved if we take account of our blessings and reach out with love to a hurting world.

Jim Morris is Communications Manager for the California Rice Commission. Jim has worked in communications for more than 20 years. When he’s not on the job, he enjoys his family, faith, football, outrageous monster stories and running marathons.