
Enjoying Backyard Wildlife Scenes at Home

By Paul Buttner

As with all of us stuck at home these past couple months, I’ve been looking for fun distractions. Luckily my house in Fair Oaks has turned into a literal sanctuary for Cooper’s Hawks this year. Plus, I have my regular plethora of beautiful birds, include spectacular hummingbirds, that use my fountain daily.


I spend time out there early in the morning to try to catch that perfect bird photo. And then my trail cams are hard at work, all day long, in pursuit of great Cooper’s Hawk photos. Now fair warning, Cooper’s hawks are bird eaters. So, a few of my “wild kingdom” photos and videos capture that activity too.

It has really been a great distraction from all the COVID-related stress in life to just sit back and enjoy my yard and all the local wildlife that has been making use of it lately. So, when you can’t get out to the wild places far away remember that a lot of great wildlife just may be in your own backyard!

Paul Buttner is Manager of Environmental Affairs for the California Rice Commission.