
There’s a new Sushi Rolling Champion in the State Capitol!

In a fun yet competitive event, Assembly Member Megan Dahle emerged victorious as the top sushi roller in the State Capitol during today’s Capitol Roller Competition held in Downtown Sacramento.

While an enthustiastic audience cheered them on, Dahle defeated fellow Assembly Members Akilah Weber, Cecilia Aguiar-Curry and James Gallagher, Senator Brian Jones, as well as California Department of Water Resources Deputy Director Kris Tjernell to win bragging rights and possession of a framed Samurai Sword until the next competition.

“To win this prestigious award…I can’t wait to display it on behalf of the California Rice Commission,” Assembly Member Dahle said. “It’s wonderful to come here and advocate for agriculture. We are dryland wheat farmers, so I appreciate agriculture across the state. When you go out to eat, I hope people are thinking about all of those industries that we have right here in California.”

The Capitol Roller Competition had not been held since 2019, due to the pandemic. The competition is part of the Circle of Life Reception held by the California Rice Commission to highlight the importance of rice to the state’s environment, economy and cuisine.

Also at the reception, California Department of Water Resources Deputy Director Kris Tjernell received the Circle of Life Award, for the department’s emergency program with the Rice Commission for emergency water in rice fields for wildlife habitat.

Virtually all of America’s sushi rice is grown in California. The rice industry provides an annual economic impact of more than $5 billion, and rice fields are home to millions of birds and other wildlife species. The environmental value of rice is even greater during drought, as wildlife have fewer options for food and a resting place.