
Two Wonderful Hours of Nearly Normal

By Jim Morris

Everyone, everywhere has been impacted by the pandemic. My way of coping is to try to stay positive and get chances to exhale – like spending time in nature or doing fun activities with family.

It wasn’t a normal scene, but was still wonderful to see the local Rice Bowl played. Separated by just 12 miles, Pierce and Williams High Schools are found in Colusa County, the nation’s largest for rice growing. This was their 90th time squaring off, a tradition that began in the 1920s.

As for the game itself, Pierce won 36-0. Even though there was spring football, a reduced crowd, masking and other COVID-19 requirements, I think the winners extended beyond the Bears. You could see and feel it on the players and all involved, that getting back on the field was a victory in and of itself.

High school football is big across the US, and the Sacramento Valley is no exception. A stellar example is the Paradise football team’s remarkable season a few years ago, helping their community deal with impacts of the devastating Camp Fire.

The lack of regular socialization has been hard on our young. I see this in my son, RJ, a high school junior. There are so many memories and so much development lost due to the present circumstances.
As of this moment, we seem heading towards something better regarding the pandemic.
Mostly for our children, but also for the families and communities of this great valley, I pray we get there.

Jim Morris is Communications Manager for the California Rice Commission. Jim has worked in communications for more than 20 years. When he’s not on the job, he enjoys his family, faith, football, outrageous monster stories and running marathons.