
Champion of Waterbird Conservation recognized by Ducks Unlimited

By Paul Buttner and Luke Matthews

Luke Matthews and I really enjoyed attending Ducks Unlimited’s Blackhawk Event this year to see Paul Bonderson recognized as a special honoree for his service to DU since 2001 and his long list other contributions for waterfowl conservation.

Luke Matthews, Paul Bonderson, and Paul Buttner group photo at awards event

Paul generously supports many organizations with his time and financial support. Here are just a few examples of his contributions:

  • Welcomes “Freedom Hunters” (a Veterans orgnization) to a special hunt at his duck club.
  • Opens up his club to an annual event enabling UC Davis students to get a complete, hands-on understanding of habitat management and duck hunting.
  • Strong supporter of both Ducks Unlimited (DU) and California Waterfowl and hosts numerous youth/family hunts, various bird conservation committee and fundraising events in coordination with both of these groups each year.
  • Strong supporter of both Ducks Unlimited (DU) and California Waterfowl and hosts numerous youth/family hunts, various bird conservation committee and fundraising events in coordination with both of these groups each year.
  • Strong supporter of both Ducks Unlimited (DU) and California Waterfowl and hosts numerous youth/family hunts, various bird conservation committee and fundraising events in coordination with both of these groups each year.
  • Personally hosts this elegant Blackhawk Event to benefit DU every year.
  • Has been a strong supporter of the California Ricelands Waterbird Foundation since its inception.
  • Currently serves as the Chairman of DU’s Board of Directors and recently served as its 43rd National President.

We are all very fortunate to have such a dedicated friend of the Pacific Flyway right here in California. He and his wife Sandi have built a lasting legacy of habitat conservation that future generations of bird conservationists will benefit from for decades to come.

Northern Pintails flying

It was our pleasure to be just a part of this special evening for Paul and Sandi as their contributions to waterfowl conservation were recognized.



Paul Buttner is Manager of Environmental Affairs for the California Rice Commission.

Luke Matthews is the Wildlife Programs Manager for the California Rice Commission

Luke Matthews